Sketch One (2 pts)
It is ten years from now, the holiday season of 2030. You are thinking about a present you might be getting for the holidays. What is it? Talk about how you did your holiday shopping, What is your job and how are you doing it? What is your living situation and what are the major issues of the day? Please make these questions relevant to any appropriate holidays you celebrate.
In 2030, I'd be 30 years old. That's insane for me to even think about. 20 years has felt long enough, but having to add another 10 in the future feels like it would take an eternity. I'd be out of Ringling by then, comfortably living as a game designer for some indie studio. The triple-A studios would ask me to join them multiple times, but I'd decline every time. Would I be making more money with them? Probably. But the team dynamic of an indie studio feels more close-knit and comfortable. It'd feel like we're making a game to make people happy rather than make a quick buck with some over-the-top graphics but no substance to the gameplay or story. And though we wouldn't be able to afford the latest tech out at the time (probably some holographic projection device that functions similarly to a VR headset), we'd still be fine. After all, people love nostalgia, so why not capitalize on that?
For Christmas 2030, my studio would have pushed out a game early so that we would be able to take time off for the holidays. Give us all a break, let us spend some time with our families. I probably wouldn't have any kids, but I would have a partner, as well as a cat (even though I'm allergic). It is then that I would take 1 or 2 days to myself before setting out to do some shopping.
Holiday shopping has never really been a big thing for me. It really just feels like regular shopping, but with more red and green, and more "big blowout sale" signs plastered on windows of shops. I'd imagine that that aspect would stay the same, even 10 years later, because why fix something if it ain't broke? If it draws in the crowds, then it's successful. Maybe add some flashy holographic material or some 4D visuals to impress gullible people into buying something that looks cool, but is basically useless. I'd know better than to let some large corporation fool me into buying their product. It's unfortunate that they'd still be around and attempting to buy out smaller, family-owned businesses to grow themselves. I'd weave my way through people on the street and come across a small craft store. I'd enter, and the place would probably smell like a warm vanilla or chai. A very cozy scent, meant to make you feel at home. I've come for one thing, and one thing only- some yarn. I love to crochet in my free time, and I'd 100% still be doing it when I'm 30. It helps keep my hands busy when I'm not doing anything.
But I could have anything! 2030 has so much new stuff available! Updated video game consoles, new phones, computers, heck, maybe the Roomba has upgraded from a little disc to a full on humanoid servant! Why would I just want yarn?
Simplicity. The key word is simplicity. In a world full of constant change, things keep getting upgraded all the time. New features are added to things like phones and cars, and everything's becoming more sleek and complex and it's so hard to keep up with trends and updates without falling behind. Everyone wants to keep moving forward, but sometimes it doesn't hurt to sit back and take a breather for a second. Crochet has been around for a long, long time, and it's had that time to perfect itself and become accessible to many people. It doesn't need change. Sure, people invent new stitches, but that's more out of creativity rather than necessity. It helps clear my mind of the hustle and bustle of the world around me, and I can't imagine that would change in 2030.
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